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UN Industrial Development Organization
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Countries of the 3rd world
A quick source of information about selected 3rd world countries.
A group of 15 organisations with a mission to reduce poverty and injustice.
Green Cross
Organisation founded by Michael Gorbachev (Swiss-based) to combat proverty, improve security and reduce environmental degradation.
International Red Crescent and Red Cross Cross
An international organisation with a mission to provide help to people affected by war.
Global Volunteer Network
Web site if you want to become a volunteer to to do work in an aid organization.
Donations for aid projects - in German
An Austrian organisation that manages information about aid organizations and projects. This is a useful  place to visit if you intend to support a project.
Cocoa Initiatiave
Organisation with mission to eliminate the worst of child and forced labour in the cocoa industry.
CIA World Fact Book
A place to go to for information about countries.
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Site with information about Emotional Intelligence (EI), which is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.
World Database of Happiness
Scientific research in quantification of the "appreciation of life". This also compares nations, regions etc.
PSYBLOG Definition of Happiness
A definition of happiness. From this link, there are other links to other interesting psychological topics.
Utilitarianism - the maximisation of global happiness
A definition of Utilitarianism - a quite laudable principle which we could use to guide all our activities. It also offers the definition of "negative utilitarianism" which seeks to reduce unhappiness and disregards happiness. This link is quite old, but quite simple to understand as well. The next link is more recent and contains more information.
History of Utilitarianism
An introduction to the Utilitarianism, including its history and other useful links.